Earthquakes and global warming

Update [06/19] and other outlets have dropped the story from their Science headlines and have erased it. Nevertheless, we need to keep an eye on additional contributions from this influential researcher.

It appears the Associated Press needs to do some explaining or at the very least some vetting of its science reporting.  Yet, it is a metaphysical certitude, no pun intended, that the story will be parroted regardless of its veracity.

There have been some attempts to link climate change to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and other various geophysical phenomena. However considerable uncertainty surrounds potential mechanisms for such linkages as well as whether we can actually perceive or measure such changes. Recently, an obscure online journal publication (NU Journal of Discovery) article has made it into the press through a release by the author Tom Chalko, an Australian geophysicist. Here is a link to the 2-page published article: Chalko (2008) NU Journal of Discovery

The main finding is that earthquakes have become FIVE times more energetic over the past 20 years, a stunning discovery to say the least. A few hyperbolic statements from the press release:

The research proves that destructive ability of earthquakes on Earth increases alarmingly fast and that this trend is set to continue, unless the problem of “global warming” is comprehensively and urgently addressed…global seismic activity was increasing faster than any other global warming indicator on Earth and that this increase is extremely alarming

The pertinent figure describing the “alarming” trend shows the annual earthquake ratio, which is described in the paper. Also, the trend is predicted to grow in the future.  A simple perusal of the USGS website would easily expose this paper as a complete pile of rubbish:  Common Myths about Earthquakes h/t Jeremy Horpedahl

Although it may seem that we are having more earthquakes, earthquakes of magnitude 7.0 or greater have remained fairly constant throughout this century and, according to our records, have actually seemed to decrease in recent years…A partial explanation may lie in the fact that in the last twenty years, we have definitely had an increase in the number of earthquakes we have been able to locate each year. This is because of the tremendous increase in the number of seismograph stations in the world and the many improvements in global communications.


Continuing from the paper:

Results presented in this article indicate that the main danger for humanity on Earth may come not from a slow climate change, but from the rapidly increasing seismic/tectonic activity. In the period of time when the planetary
climate changed by a small fraction of one degree, earthquakes have become 5 times more energetic. How long do we need to wait until someone brings this problem to our awareness?

I have no answer to that question. Thankfully, Chalko provides us with one reference and a hypothesis for this increased tectonic and volcanic activity. NASA researchers (Hansen et al. 2005, Science) state that the Earth absorbs approximately 0.85 +- 0.15 Megawatts per square kilometer more than it emits, an imbalance that is causing the Earth to overheat.

Planetary interior overheating is the most serious consequence of so-called “global warming” and constitutes the main danger for humanity on Earth today.

I am unsure about the peer-review standards of this journal, but my guess is that it is a bit “shaky”.  A simple Google search of the author leads one on a metaphysical search for understanding one’s consciousness.


  1. Jim Arndt
    Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 6:27 PM | Permalink

    Is this April 1st, must be. Earth quakes correlate better to the solar Hale cycle than to temperature. Nice cherry picking from the 1970’s and leave out all of those big quakes from the 50’s and 60’s like Alaska and Chile’.

  2. Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 6:34 PM | Permalink

    This is the top article in SciTech on as well as on, which originate from an Associated Press piece. A related paper about Whether the Earth Will Explode because of Global Warming is also very enlightening.

  3. Jim Arndt
    Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 6:41 PM | Permalink

    LOL, Then it should have blown up during the Holocene Optima or the Roman Optima and maybe the Med-evil Optima. All of those times where warmer than now and the Holocene period was much warmer. There are also correlations to the planetary alignments too. Leif Svalgaard said with enough cycles something is bound to match. The reason the earths surface is getting warmer, maybe the first few feet but I believe after about 10 feet the temperature has very little variation. But I could be wrong and we are all dead on 2012.;)

  4. Bill Drissel
    Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 6:42 PM | Permalink

    I couldn’t paste the graphic from
    Look for:
    Relative annual energy release from earthquakes, magnitude 6 or greater, 1900-2008
    Acc to this graph we’re below the 1900-1920 level.
    Bill Drissel

  5. Jim Arndt
    Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 6:46 PM | Permalink

    Ok Bill #4

    Compare that to TSI and now that will get you thinking. Remember that the Sun and Moon both create gravitational pulls on the earth and the sun’s magnetic field extends past the outer planets during maximum. Now if you want a scary correlation compare your graph to large CME events and flares.

  6. Jonathan Schafer
    Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 7:48 PM | Permalink

    Well, it’s on the Drudge Report too, so now everyone will be reading it. How long before our various elected officials start quoting this paper as well as reasons to do something immediately before impending doom.

    ryanm…Matt spiked the story to the trashcan…

  7. David Smith
    Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 7:49 PM | Permalink

    I followed a hunch and found this correlation:


  8. jeez
    Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 7:59 PM | Permalink


  9. Steve McIntyre
    Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 8:01 PM | Permalink

    Another Jor-El wannabe.

  10. SteveSadlov
    Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 8:02 PM | Permalink

    Can little green men, Earth Changes, rods and grays, and the second great harmonic convergence be far behind?

  11. David Smith
    Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 8:12 PM | Permalink

    I wonder if the author is this Dr Tom Chalko:

    Dr Chalko has a background in aura research and Thiaoouba prophecy so I’m surprised Nature or Science did not publish his AGW work.

    I wonder if he does hurricane/AGW research, too.

  12. David Smith
    Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 8:22 PM | Permalink

    And we have this from 2001:

    No second chance: can Earth explode as a result of Global Warming?

    by Dr Tom J. Chalko, MSc, PhD,
    Head of Geophysics Division, Scientific E Research P/L, Melbourne, Australia
    submitted on 8 April 2001


    Looks like we’re gonna blow up.

  13. Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 8:30 PM | Permalink

    What’s up with the crazy looking shirts?

  14. Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 8:32 PM | Permalink

    The TRUE danger of modern nuclear weaponry is that their neutron radiation is capable to induce global overheating of the planetary interior, global volcanic activity and, in extreme circumstances, may even cause the entire planet to explode.

    From Chalko (2003): Can a Neutron Bomb accelerate Global Volcanic Activity? (Online journal of Coast to Coast AM)

  15. jeez
    Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 8:32 PM | Permalink

    This guy’s a hoot.

  16. David Smith
    Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 8:38 PM | Permalink

    Looks like Tom and Tom are the same. I see he’s on the editorial board of the publisher NU Journal of Discovery.

    Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 8:45 PM | Permalink

    Oh. My. God…

  18. Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 8:54 PM | Permalink

    Oh.. you guys haven’t even found the best stuff:

    1) Research plan 2001-2005
    Tom J. Chalko, MEngSc, DrEngSc

    Main research topic: Development of the Theory of Gravity
    Research outcome: Book/monograph “The Nature of Gravity”
    Research requirements: stable employment and time to think.

    The proposal includes this:

    A method to generate and overcome gravity would be arguably the most significant scientific discovery in the history of humanity, that would dramatically change the way we live on Earth.

    2) For some reason, he converted a chest freezer into a refrigerator (and publicized this.)

    3) I think he is somehow associated with a book on extra terrestrials. See also

    This guy definitely believes in a lot of things. AGW is appears to be one of them. Of course… he thinks it will make the earth explode!

    It possible that Tom Chalko’s t-shirts are what put the “A” in alarmist!

  19. Basil
    Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 8:56 PM | Permalink

    I think I’m going to start a peer reviewed journal. Apparently it is not hard to do.

  20. jeez
    Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 8:58 PM | Permalink

    I met Mosh and Mac. Guys, don’t you think I would look fly in this:

  21. Matthew
    Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 8:58 PM | Permalink

    Maybe These results from earlier earthquke energies need to be adjusted.

    Clearly the rural cooling island effect and higher windspeeds associated with these have resulted in energies which cannot be recorded.

    In fact computer models show conclusively that these effects will inevitably occur with a net increaee in earthquake energy of 1000MW by 2050

  22. David Smith
    Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 8:59 PM | Permalink

    He writes about alien abductions and the difficulty of distinguishing between those who truly went aboard an alien saucer and those who simply have over-active imaginations. I understand.

    He also writes on how to identify the space aliens among us. I plan to use his techniques this weekend, at my wife’s family reunion. I’ve long suspected that at least a third of her family is not from Earth.

  23. Jim Arndt
    Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 9:40 PM | Permalink

    Here we are in 2051

  24. Rob Huber
    Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 9:40 PM | Permalink

    Forget earthquates … Earth is gonna ‘splode!

  25. Steve McIntyre
    Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 9:49 PM | Permalink

    #22. David, perhaps you could check whether your in-laws have their amygdulas connected to their neocortex. A note from an earlier post:

    Then on to the brain. The neocortex is hard-wired to the amygdula or something like that. This seems to be part of the problem. I looked around the audience to see if I could discern symptoms of neocortex-amygdula hardwiring but couldn’t tell. Was this an episode of Invasion?

  26. anna v
    Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 10:02 PM | Permalink

    It is easy to laugh, but not easy to stop the media from latching on to a good scary story that confirms their fears. This can catch the imagination in earthquake prone regions, as Greece is, ( yesterday I woke up by a 5.7 90 km away) and the politicians are not far behind 😦 . Makes wake up calls more difficult.

    It all hinges on the AGW science crowd, whether they will accept any help before inevitable doom or not.

    Actually if the data interpretation were true, since the second plot shown here shows cherry picking, one could turn the argument around and say “global warming is due to geothermal heating that is inparallel creating all these earthquakes and not CO2”. What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Has anybody been measuring ground temperatures vs depth?

  27. nevket240
    Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 10:09 PM | Permalink

    If you ever needed confirmation as to the social driver for the AGW crowd this dude and his mindless ramblings are it.
    Malthusian Marxist Hippie drivel.
    As an Aussie I would like to apologise on behalf of all rational, thinking Aussies, for this idiot and those who print the results of his illness.
    Please treat us gently, we have to bear his cross as well as our own


  28. Bob Koss
    Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 10:10 PM | Permalink

    If the technique seems to work and you want to sway a few aliens for a few squirrels from my family, let me know. I might be interested.

  29. Bob Koss
    Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 10:11 PM | Permalink

    swap not sway

  30. Aviator
    Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 10:55 PM | Permalink

    Science is a lot easier when you can use imagination instead of research – you can get a lot more books written. I just wonder whether this guy is actually teaching engineering or is there at the university for comic relief.

  31. anna v
    Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 11:31 PM | Permalink

    Aviator 30

    For over twenty years in my research institute we covered for a severely delusional colleague, so that he and his old mama would not be left on the street. He was schizophrenic and had funny theories as well as persecution delusions. ( His mama died, and he had to be institutionalized).

    This fellow does not seem to be bad, but I could see colleagues giving large allowances for social reasons.

  32. John B
    Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 11:36 PM | Permalink

    As a fellow Aussie, I feel I should defend this lad. He at least appears to be running on his own steam. In contrast just this morning, a furry animal organisation and our national broadcaster are forecasting the demise of the whale using a projection based on a 2 degree rise in ocean temperature.

    These forecasts of gloom and doom are constant from our ABC. The average Aussie should feel a little “edgy” especially a lone chap within a university, with lttle or no contact with reality.

    There is another chap in a little university in the state of Queensland who believes he helped fix the hole in the ozone layer, even stranger still he is currently promoting himself (announcing his presence at luxury resort gigs as a leading environmentalist) or is being touted (loves playing cricket with the chaps, flying to England for a knock at Lords) as the future Australian of the Year. Funny how these “team” guys love to hand out gongs to each other.

    I find I need to, in the face of such mind boggling crap, log on to climateaudit each day to re-assure myself the world has not gone nuts.

  33. Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 11:46 PM | Permalink

    I didn’t even bother looking in on whether or not earthquakes increased or decreased in intensity as Chalko claims, but, as a grad student in physics, I was very suspicious of not only his science, but of the journal he “published” his article in. It turns out that he’s the only author to ever publish in that journal (according to the journal’s website, as far as I can tell by a quick scan), AND he’s one of the editors. The journal is published by a fake university. Chalko himself works for his own “company”, and as you pointed out, works on some pretty non-scientific topics.

    Check out my blog post about it here for more information on what I dug up.

  34. Jeff A
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 12:16 AM | Permalink

    Someone here, I don’t care who, owes me a new monitor and keyboard!

  35. kuhnkat
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 12:30 AM | Permalink

    Well, Nature appears to be only a little above these guys with their new publication:

    Can’t wait to hear how they managed to re-measure the ocean temps down to 700 meters back to 1963!! Maybe they stole a march on the ‘sonde guys and used currents??

  36. Earle Williams
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 12:50 AM | Permalink

    kuhnkat said:

    Maybe they stole a march on the ‘sonde guys and used currents??

    Good one! Maybe they used hurricane PDI as a proxy?

  37. Geoff Sherrington
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 1:27 AM | Permalink

    Do you wish me to compare and contrast parts of this paper with some of the best of Gore? (says he, defensively, being Australian).

  38. Peter Thompson
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 1:28 AM | Permalink

    David Smith #22:

    I plan to use his techniques this weekend, at my wife’s family reunion. I’ve long suspected that at least a third of her family is not from Earth.

    David, I now believe we are related by marriage. Hello, long lost cousin in-law.

  39. Hoi Polloi
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 2:26 AM | Permalink
  40. James S
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 3:00 AM | Permalink

    Hoi Polloi

    You jest with your post but have you noticed that temperatures have got colder in the last few years just as piracy has increased? There are loads of pirates off the coast of Somalia and in South-East Asia now, far more than the 17 in 2000. We must be back to 1980 levels by now.

  41. Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 3:11 AM | Permalink

    One more proof of global warming:

  42. Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 3:13 AM | Permalink

    Another proof of global warming, based on soccer, is here:

  43. Nylo
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 3:20 AM | Permalink

    Re #36:

    Can’t wait to hear how they managed to re-measure the ocean temps down to 700 meters back to 1963!!

    They didn’t remeasure them. They have CALCULATED them. What they say is basically this: “if the temperatures down to 700 hundred meters had changed according to my calculations and not IPCCs, the sea level would have changed in the measured way, therefore, my calculations must be better than IPCCs”. It is similar to what is done to validate climate models: because the observed surface temperature changes agree (more or less) with backwards predictions of the models, the models predictions for the future must be right. Anyone with a scientific thinking should reject this kind of reasoning, but on the other hand, anyone with a scientific career to care about should follow the current…

  44. A Chancer
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 4:30 AM | Permalink

    I have discovered that by carefully analysing earthquake records I can by using a top secret inverse Mannian regression, robustly reconstruct the temperature in Sheep Mountain for the last 1000 years, to within 0.1 degree. Further, based on Monte Carlo type runs with various Peer Reviewed Models derived from Earthquake Records using my “Road Runner” beep beep technique, I can now narrow the uncertainty in the IPCC forecast of temperature for the next 200 years, with 99% certainty. Offers of funding should be directed to: NASA GISS, Bottomless Pit, Cloud CuckooLand.

  45. Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 5:03 AM | Permalink

    AP, CBS, MSBN all got suckered by this (Drudge too, to a lesser degree). It literally took two minutes of work on Google to find Chalko’s paper “No second chance:Can Earth explode as a result of Global Warming?” Which really, really should have set off some alarm bells.

    Worst science reporting I’ve come across in awhile.

  46. Dave Andrews
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 5:12 AM | Permalink

    Re #36 & #43,

    Interesting spin in the press release from LLNL

    Headline is “Ocean temperatures and sea level increases 50 percent higher than previously estimated.”, which is technically what the paper says the model showed, but they completely fail to mention that the model also indicated that estimates were about “40 percent smaller for 1993 – 2003” than earlier estimates for that period.

  47. MattN
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 5:25 AM | Permalink

    I’m speakless.

    Bill#4, just wait until Hansen gets ahold of that data…

  48. John K. Sutherland.
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 5:27 AM | Permalink

    A statement near the bottom needs correction: ‘the Earth absorbs approximately 0.85 +- 0.15 Megawatts “more thermal energy” per square kilometer than…’

    I cannot comment upon the scientific veracity of the statement, but for good and clear English, the word ‘more’ needs to be added.

  49. Leon Brozyna
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 5:38 AM | Permalink

    An article from May 2001 by the same person suggests that global warming will cause the earth to explode. From this same article he indicates that the asteroid belt was formed by a planet exploding, which the Ancient Greeks witnessed. His brand of science also uses this same theory to explain ice ages ~ planet interior gets too hot resulting in massive volcanic eruptions, blocking sunlight, resulting in an ice age which then helps the interior cool, thus preventing a planetary explosion.

    This article as well as last month’s most recent article on earthquakes can be found, in pdf form, at

    You can read these to your heart’s content. As for me, my eyes hurt from all their rolling.

  50. yorick
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 5:44 AM | Permalink

    Looks like we may have found Yahoo Serious’s secret identity.

  51. MarkW
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 5:44 AM | Permalink

    I seem to recall some kind of evidence that warming has pretty much stopped for the last 10 years. Perhaps even fallen a tad.

    How does that impact this “correlation” over the last 20 years.

  52. John Goetz
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 6:22 AM | Permalink

    Maybe the Chalko paper can be cross-published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration. Rabbet thinks it is a “source for denialists and denial” (whatever that is). However, he notes that the governing organization states one of it’s distinguishing characteristics is:

    “While one organization may cover parapsychology, another consciousness, a third exotic energy sources, and a fourth UFO inquires, the SSE cover the gamut…” and more

    Having looked at a couple papers published by the organization, it is clear Chalko’s innovative AGW theories would fit right in – I’m not Joshing!!

  53. Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 6:25 AM | Permalink

    CBS, MSNBC, AP, and Drudge all got conned by this. Two minutes with Google would have found any fact-checker that bothered to look “No second chance?Can Earth explode as a result of Global Warming?” which presumably have set off a few alarm bells.

    Worse bit of science reporting I’ve read in awhile.

  54. Gary
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 7:21 AM | Permalink

    Looks like Anthony Watts needs to get photographing seismographic stations. 😉

  55. Ross McKitrick
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 7:29 AM | Permalink

    Worst science reporting on global warming since… all the other science reporting on global warming.

    It’s fun to pile on about this particular fiasco, but in the end it only differs in degree, not in kind, from what we have grown used to. Years of credulous repetition of increasingly alarmist chicken-little garbage in the mainstream press, the exquisite media and academic silence about the countless inaccuracies and falsehoods in Al Gore’s speeches and movie, etc., etc., have created a situation in which any drivel, no matter how obviously nonsensical, gets uncritical headline hype in the world’s press, as long as it promotes public terror about global warming.

    Up until now the mainstream press has set the needle at 9, as regards reporters’ willingness to pass along worthless BS for the good of the cause. This guy pushed the needle to 9.01, and suddenly everyone’s acting shocked and appalled. We can only hope that there will be a few science reporters out there who will look in the mirror and take stock of what has become of their profession.

  56. jnicklin
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 8:21 AM | Permalink

    The really chilling part of this story is that people are primed to believe it, and many will do just that. I’m no longer sure that any amount of rational arguement can overcome the growing mass of sheer idiocy that we seem to be seeing.

    Gore and his followers have already convinced school kids that they are going to drown in rising seas while the oceans boil dry. Now the world is going to shake itself to pieces if we don’t fix global warming.

    I’m going to go and stick a pencil in my eye to take my mind off this subject for a while.

  57. steven mosher
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 8:23 AM | Permalink

    re 55. nails it.

  58. Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 8:23 AM | Permalink

    My comments about this Australian “scientist” and the context of his work:

    Best wishes, Lubos

  59. GTFrank
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 8:31 AM | Permalink

    The poster child for planet greenhouse gas warming in this solar system, Venus, has not exploded yet. I’m not sure about the earthquakes, though.

  60. Dennis Wingo
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 8:37 AM | Permalink

    #55 Ross

    Yea the guy earlier in this thread pointing out the similarity to Gore was a low blow. (I wonder if Gore has flipped that chart yet).

  61. Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 8:41 AM | Permalink

    Good one! Maybe they used hurricane PDI as a proxy?

    Atlantic hurricane PDI is also highly correlated with global temperature increases, especially during the last 30 years. It puts into perspective the limitless upward trending quantities that can be associated with global temperature increases of 0.4 degrees C.

  62. Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 10:03 AM | Permalink

    I was going to blog on this, but since I’m boycotting AP, well, I find myself in a but of a corundum…

  63. Ex-newswire employee
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 10:05 AM | Permalink

    This story originated from a press release sent via Marketwire. The original press release can be seen in this Globe and Mail feed

    Paid news wires will send out pretty much anything they are paid to send out so long as it is not inflammatory, racist or libelous. They are concerned with fraudulent releases only insofar as verifying that the organization sending the press release is the one they say it is, though some newswires tend to be more stringent than others.

    I used to work for a newswire so I know the business and how that part all works – though it’s not something many people outside of the news or public relations business are familiar with.

    Picking apart this ‘study’ is pointless – five seconds of Googling is all it took to show that the organisation it’s attached to is obviously not a real academic organization nor the publication a real scientific Journal. That the AP writer couldn’t be bothered indicates to me the worst sort of laziness.

    All kinds of lesser-known organisations – will take on the expense of paid newswire distribution since it does tend to be the best way to get journalists’ attention and can sometimes lend dubious groups an air of legitimacy. I can’t fault bloggers for not being familiar with all this, but writers for AP should definitely know better.

    The tendency for media to reprint press releases with little scrutiny and only minor editing is something more bloggers should be aware of however – it happens more than nearly anyone (apart from the newswires) would like to admit!

    Indeed, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the main sites as they are often the original source for a lot of stories in the media, and Greenpeace, WWF, Sierra club, Suzuki and countless others all use one of them:

    PR Newswire
    CNW Group/Canada NewsWire
    and last but not least, Marketwire, formerly CCNMatthews.

  64. Harry Eagar
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 10:09 AM | Permalink

    He looks like his fashion adviser is the same person who styled Gene Wilder as Dr. Fronkuhnsteen.

  65. Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 10:30 AM | Permalink

    “The side effect of restoration of perfect health is gaining the unlimited potential of your mind. You have been warned…”

    Thanks for the warning.

    So I guess no one here has achieved the “restoration of perfect health”. We have not achieved the unlimited potential of our minds, so therefore, his science is far beyond what we, the possessors of imperfect health, could possibly understand.

    PS. Evidence of my limited mental potential?

    well, I find myself in a but of a corundum…

    Bit. Bit.

    …and yes, I did mean to type corundum. Old joke amongst us geology students.

  66. SteveSadlov
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 10:37 AM | Permalink

    When I made my previous post, I had yet to learn that this guy actually has been a guest on “Coast to Coast AM” – I simply shot from the hip. I was right! LOL!

  67. SteveSadlov
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 10:44 AM | Permalink

    RE: “I’m going to go and stick a pencil in my eye to take my mind off this subject for a while.”

    While listening to the 1980s Southern California hard core punk band “Angry Samoans.”

  68. SteveSadlov
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 10:50 AM | Permalink

    This one’s for Moshpit:–steak-knife-and-lights-out/2751016467

  69. Sam Urbinto
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 11:12 AM | Permalink

    Dr Tom Chalko. Learn from a scientist who holds a PhD in Laser Holography (the Science of Light) since 1979.

    Imagine a book that is 8,000 years overdue (and 20 years ahead of time)

    Eh? 🙄 8000 years too late and shouldn’t be out until 2028.

    Ross #55: “This guy pushed the needle to 9.01”

    More like the knobs on this amp go to 13.

  70. SteveSadlov
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 11:25 AM | Permalink

    Studio version (click on the link for your preferred player, above the comic strip):

  71. Lance
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 11:35 AM | Permalink


    How did you do that!? I thought for just a moment that my body heat had caused a local earth quake.

  72. Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 11:38 AM | Permalink

    Separated at birth – Dr Tom Chalko and Dr Hans Zarkov.

    PS. Looks like CBS has pulled the story.

  73. Sam Urbinto
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 11:54 AM | Permalink

    Reminds me of the impression the air is dirtier, when in fact it’s so clean they lowered the alert levels to something that the increased number of sensors is seeing better than in the past, resulting in more air pollution warning days. 🙂

  74. Jack Linard
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 11:57 AM | Permalink

    Reminds me of the long-unresolved climate conundrum:

    Why is it hotter in the summer than it is in the country?

    As an Australian (living in Canada) and a graduate of the University of Melbourne (civil engineering), I apologize to the rest of the world for this dickhead.

    (BTW, the only way “climate change” can induce seismic activity is by encouraging geosequestration of CO2)

  75. Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 12:06 PM | Permalink

    Lance– How did I do what? Find the trivial on Chalco? I discovered the story several months ago, and didn’t blog. I’d thought it was a hoot, and wasted time clicking and googled his name.

    So…. when I read Deltoid’s story about orbiting satellites causing global warming, I remembered about “global warming earth explode”.

    I wrote about Chalco on at my blog on June 16!

    I wasn’t aware the AP ever picked this up though. But when I saw y’all were discussing it, I googled things like “Tom Chalko gravity”, “Tom Chalko refrigerator”.

    You can also google “Tom Chalko guitar” and eventually find some sound clips of his music etc. If you look at pictures, Chalco sort of looks like Raypierre with a more well groomed beard.

    I don’t know what else you can find.

  76. Reid
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 12:13 PM | Permalink

    We are all having a good laugh but I guarantee that an increase in earthquakes will be added to the pop AGW litany.

    Chalko claims AGW may cause the planet to explode. LHC alarmists claim the collider may cause the planet to implode. I say the AGW explosion will be balanced by the LHC implosion creating a harmonious sustainable future.

  77. Richard Sharpe
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 12:30 PM | Permalink

    Hmmm, perhaps we should update Deltoid’s Global Warming Bingo with the modern version:

    Global warming will cause polar bears to go extinct …

    Global warming will cause global cooling …

    Global warming will cause the world to explode …

  78. Mike the Man
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 12:31 PM | Permalink

    #76. sizewise, they don’t look the same. raypierre is shriveled; Chalko looks like a normal size.

  79. Steve McIntyre
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 12:39 PM | Permalink

    Chalco uses the word “robust” just as fluently as the Team. Here he tells us that “electronic consciousness” is robust:

    Hi Tom, If conciousness is stored in electrons, what would happen to the encoded information when the electrons move due to emf? Do the electrons that make up the astral body behave in the same way ones in our physical bodies do? I would assume that since electrons in the astral body exist in the physical domain that they too would be vunerable to emf. [JC].

    You haven’t read this article.

    Information encoding in electrons is at least as robust to external electromagnetic disturbances as spread spectrum digital information transfer in modern digital mobile phone network.

    Recent experiments in quantum computing indicate that electron’s “memory” is quite short (nano-seconds). For this reason electrons need to continuously exchange photons (Light) between themselves in order to sustain information. This is Life.

    I suspect that quantum-based information encoding can even withstand a small atomic blast.

    More details in this article. [Tom]

  80. John Goetz
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 12:56 PM | Permalink

    As of this moment, MSNBC is still carrying the story

  81. W Robichaud
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 1:19 PM | Permalink

    I told my grandson about it and this is what he had to say.

  82. steven mosher
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 1:26 PM | Permalink

    re 69. hehe. good one.

    I spent way too much time at Atomic Cafe and Madame Wong’s. back in
    the day.

    Some history for the kids

  83. Sam Urbinto
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 1:35 PM | Permalink

    These folks have prevented many pounds of CO2 emissions!

    “The Neuton doesn’t need costly gasoline. Just plug it in for eight hours, and its 36-volt battery will provide up to an hour of grass-cutting power. Got more lawn than a single charge can handle? Buy a spare for $100 and swap them out. Because it’s electric, it’s easier to start, too. It’s the most eco-friendly lawn care short of an old-school hand-mower.”

    And everyone knows that generating electricity is carbon neutral! Of course, an old-school hand-mower (one would imagine that’s a push mower!) needs no carbon; making you breathe and making you hungry to eat more beef or such than normal has no impact either.


  84. Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 1:38 PM | Permalink

    On consideration, I know have a theory: My June 16 blog post triggered this insanity. 🙂

  85. Sam Urbinto
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 1:44 PM | Permalink

    OTOH, it takes about $1000 to get a solar charger that outputs up to 285 amp-hours per week of clean solar energy you know.

    86 lucia

    It’s all your fault!


  86. Michael Jankowski
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 1:44 PM | Permalink

    I recall during the big tsunami years back that a few media articles came out related to global warming. Most were trying to say that the damage inflicted by tsunamis would increase due to rising sea levels. But there were a few where readers put comments at the bottom saying they wouldn’t be surprised if global warming caused it. There may have been a few articles linking global warming to the event itself, but that was many laughable articles ago…

  87. Leon Brozyna
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 1:49 PM | Permalink

    re: 64

    Excellent point about the so called news we receive from news organizations. I became convinced a number of years ago that, other than ‘hard news’, most of what is reported, especially on medicine and science, are press releases being read uncritically.

    This ‘story’ fits right in with the piece in the New England Journal of Medicine about the cat that could predict the death of patients in a nursing home.

  88. jeez
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 1:55 PM | Permalink

    Mosh, only went to M Wongs once. The night The Resistors opened for Oingo Boingo. I wonder if you were there that night.

  89. Lance
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 2:21 PM | Permalink

    Lucia- “How did I do what?”

    C’mon, or are you just trying to having a little fun with me?

    When you click the link in your first post, Research plan 2001-2005
    Tom J. Chalko, MEngSc, DrEngSc, it makes the screen image shake like there is a 8.9 Richter scale earth quake shaking the monitor.

    Fess up, whats the command for this little parlor trick?

  90. Hoi Polloi
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 2:23 PM | Permalink

    In the mid-1600s, Bishop James Ussher predicted the world would end on October 23, 1997.

    Nostradamus predicted the “King of Terror” will arrive in mid-July 1999.

    Hindus believe the avatar of Krishna will be returning to the world in 2003.

    The ancient Mayans are known for the incredible accuracy of their calendar. It stops on December 21, 2012.

    The Jehovah’s Witnesses say the Battle of Armageddon will being in 2014.

    The Muslim calendar ends in 2076

    The Jewish calendar gives the world until 2240.

    Criswell predicted the world will end precisely on August 18, 1999.

    Past Predictions included the 1988 destruction of London, England by a meteor. Criswell also said, “I predict that by 1980 you will be able to lift your own face in your own home for only $5.00.”

    Television evangelist Jack Van Impe said the end will come after the year 2000.

    Richard W. Noone, author-prophet who wrote 5/5/2000: ICE — THE ULTIMATE DISASTER, is very precise about his date the world will end. “On May 5, of the year 2000, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be aligned with earth for the first time in 6000 years. On that date, the ice buildup at the South Pole will upset the earth’s axis, sending trillions of tons of ice in the water sweeping over the surface of our planet.

    The Unarius Society, UFO disciples, believe that in the year 2000, “a Pleiadean starship will land on the rising portion of Atlantis in the Bermuda Triangle.”

    Several Muslim Sufi sects have set 2076 as the end-time.

    According to the Jewish calendar, 2240 is the year 6000 and the end time.

    Take your pick…

  91. Tolz
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 2:33 PM | Permalink

    I read on a bathroom wall that the world will end when the “Never Out” toilet paper dispenser runs out. I’m still going with that.

  92. David
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 2:41 PM | Permalink

    Here is one for you guys. It does not relate to this topic, but perhaps it should be covered in a new thread. It looks like the IPCC needed to go back and change history a bit to make it fit their conclusions:

    “Ocean Temperatures And Sea Level Increases 50 Percent Higher Than Previously Estimated”

  93. Barney Frank
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 2:52 PM | Permalink

    Take your pick…

    Television evangelist Jack Van Impe said the end will come after the year 2000.

    Kind of hard to argue with that one. Sounds like something the Team might come up with.

  94. Sam Urbinto
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 2:52 PM | Permalink

    92 Hoi Polloi

    Good post!

    “The ancient Mayans are known for the incredible accuracy of their calendar. It stops on December 21, 2012”

    Actually, it’s just that the Long Count will roll over from (or hit (starting the 14th baktun, 394th year period) again around the 20th of Dec 2012. Last time was around Aug 3114 BC (or Nov 3374 BC if you prefer). Look up baktun katun tun uinal kin.

    But there’s also the piktun kalabtun kinchiltun and alautun. It actually goes to like the year 4772 AD, which is something like 5 Lamat 1 Mol ( 8 Ahau 13 Pop, with a distance date of

    Anyway, slightly interesting trivia about it; we’ll see if Jan 1st 2013 rolls around like the last start of the last year of the 20th century, Jan 1st 2000 did, or the 1st year of the 21st, Jan 1st 2001.


  95. jeez
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 3:12 PM | Permalink

    RE: 91 Lance “How’d you do that”.

    Lucia didn’t, the code is in Chalko’s page.

    View source. Look for “vibrate”

  96. Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 3:26 PM | Permalink

    The article you mention also compared the sea level rise to projections from the IPCC models.

    I’d put this on unthreaded, but then, you might not see the response!

  97. UK John
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 3:32 PM | Permalink

    The strange thing is this idiot generated more posts in such a short time, than any of the clever statistical reconstructions we normally get.

    I bet you would get the same effect if you blamed it all on Aliens, and many would believe every word.

  98. Sam Urbinto
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 3:51 PM | Permalink

    100 UK John “if you blamed it all on Aliens”

    Of course it’s Aliens.

  99. Barclay E MacDonald
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 4:24 PM | Permalink

    George Bernard Shaw: There really are aliens from outer space, and for hundreds of years they have been dumping their insane here!

  100. steven mosher
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 4:33 PM | Permalink

    re 90. ah never saw Oingo Boingo there. Saw them at the US festivale,
    hosted by woz. police, talking heads, the cars ( they sucked)etc etc

  101. Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 5:12 PM | Permalink

    “Nostradamus predicted the “King of Terror” will arrive in mid-July 1999.”

    Nostradamus missed by 2 years.

  102. Michael Hauber
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 5:14 PM | Permalink

    Does the idea that warming may cause earthquakes and even the earth to explode tell us anything useful about AGW alarmism?

    Does the idea that global warming is not caused by CO2 but microwave sattellites tell us anything useful about AGW skepticism?

  103. SteveSadlov
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 6:42 PM | Permalink

    RE: #103 – RE: #71 – that first frame in the comic strip bears a strong resemblance to the various alleyways around the “garment district” / Santee Alley, back in the day. Also, such “scenery” would go along quite well with “I Love Living In The City” (LOL!).

  104. David_Jay
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 6:48 PM | Permalink

    I can improve the resolution of Van Impe’s prediction by about 7 1/2 years.


  105. yorick
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 7:24 PM | Permalink

    I think our friend might have watched this movie a few too many times

    The Incredible Untold Story of the Greatest Mind of All Time
    “In 1905 he discovered relativity…In 1906 he invented rock and roll.”

    Young Einstein

  106. Pete
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 7:30 PM | Permalink

    Chalko got it a bit wrong. It’s not the warming that magnifies earthquakes, its the increased carbon dioxide. It’s quite intuitive.

    Everyone knows that CO2 absorbs the pressure waves from the vibrating surface. Everyone also knows that CO2 magnifies the greenhouse warming effects of water vapor by preventing cloud formation and making climate models tippy, but many forget another property of CO2. That is its ability to teleconnect with other CO2 molecules to synchronize pulsed retransmission pressure waves targeted at specific “tipping points” of the surface that will magnify the quake. These magnified vibrations that are propagated into the atmosphere will also be retransmitted by the teleconnected CO2 until the “tipping point” locations have have lost their tip.

    Come on! This is basic sky-ence.

  107. Chris D.
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 9:31 PM | Permalink

    103 omg Mosh – was that the “Us” concert – ’84? I was there! Great time!

  108. Richard deSousa
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 9:56 PM | Permalink

    I think Chalko spent too much time zapping himself with lasers… fried his mind…. LOL

  109. MJW
    Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 10:18 PM | Permalink

    Michael Hauber:

    Does the idea that warming may cause earthquakes and even the earth to explode tell us anything useful about AGW alarmism?

    It isn’t that some crank has a harebrained theory, but that the AP, CBS News and MSNBC treated it as credible.

  110. PaddikJ
    Posted Jun 20, 2008 at 1:34 AM | Permalink

    the only way “climate change” can induce seismic activity is by encouraging geosequestration of CO2

    Uh-Uhhh. I read just last winter (on this blog, I think) that some Brit Geologist said that rising seas would overstress the oceanic plates and and cause massive seismic instability along the coasts. He’s with the Hadley Centre, and you can’t argue with that.

    Maybe Australia will name Chalko this year’s Australian of the Year, and he can be in the august company of Tim Flannery.

  111. Andrey Levin
    Posted Jun 20, 2008 at 1:50 AM | Permalink

    “Retreating glaciers spur Alaskan earthquakes”:

    NASA scientists from (roll drum) Goddard Space Centre.

  112. Manuel
    Posted Jun 20, 2008 at 2:57 AM | Permalink


    Perhaps there is some correlation between global warming and English soccer Premier League results.

    Do you think I must publish a paper about it?


  113. Geoff Sherrington
    Posted Jun 20, 2008 at 3:16 AM | Permalink

    Gentle warning. Do keep in mind that a favourite form of Aussie humour is to “Take the mickey out of people”. For all I know, this guy might be trying to outdo the most outlandish of the outlandish, for fun. (It’s not me under a pseudonym, but it’s the type of thing I used to do for fun).

    University of Melbourne today quite correctly avoided any privacy issues and so I found out zero. Will try Ethics Committee after the weekend. Did confirm that there is a degree named M. Eng. Sc. (Master of Science in Engineering) but await news on how long it has existed.

    I’m glad that the general tone of CA response has been muted and is in an audit mode.

  114. MarkW
    Posted Jun 20, 2008 at 4:36 AM | Permalink

    According to Anthony Watts, the AP had nothing to do with this story. He contacted several friends with AP feeds, and they checked their archives. The story did not come from AP.

    Why did CBS say they got it from AP? Nobody knows, CBS isn’t talking.
    BTW, CBS pulled the story from their web page last night without notice. No retraction, nothing. It’s just gone.

  115. JohnB (another one)
    Posted Jun 20, 2008 at 4:41 AM | Permalink

    Andrey, the concept is quite correct. After the last Ice Age there were many enormous quakes due to the rebound. Google for “Parvie Fault” and you’ll see what I mean.

    At the time of the last Glacial Maximum, Scandinavia was depressed an estimated 900 metres due to the weight of the ice. Once the ice melts, the crust rises and there can be mind boggling earthquakes. It would be surprising if the Laurentide Sheet did not have a similar effect in Canada. My reading on this topic is a few years out of date but IIRC there are parts of Canada still rising @2cm+ per year.

  116. MarkW
    Posted Jun 20, 2008 at 4:44 AM | Permalink

    The Mayan calendar never ends, it just starts a new cycle.

  117. hswiseman
    Posted Jun 20, 2008 at 5:59 AM | Permalink

    …on the other hand, a huge oceanic earthquake might add some heat into the budget.

  118. Posted Jun 20, 2008 at 6:36 AM | Permalink


    Why did CBS say they got it from AP? Nobody knows, CBS isn’t talking.
    BTW, CBS pulled the story from their web page last night without notice. No retraction, nothing. It’s just gone.

    That’s the million dollar question. Why did CBS or someone at CBS think the AP ran this story? How did this thing appear?

  119. MarkW
    Posted Jun 20, 2008 at 6:50 AM | Permalink

    Apparently the the story came from a wire service called Market Wire (or something close to that).
    It’s possible that somebody just thought that all wire services are AP. Though I have a hard time believing that anyone who works in a newsroom would make that basic an error.
    Another possibility is they thought the story would carry more weight if it were attributed to AP.

    There could be other possibilities as well.

  120. henry
    Posted Jun 20, 2008 at 8:13 AM | Permalink

    Tom in Texas says:

    “Nostradamus predicted the “King of Terror” will arrive in mid-July 1999.”

    Nostradamus missed by 2 years.

    And your calculation is off too: the “reign of terror” actually ran from 1993 – 2001…

  121. Tony Edwards
    Posted Jun 20, 2008 at 10:15 AM | Permalink

    Steve, sometimes, while always interesting, some of the posts on CA are, shall we say, dry. Thank you for letting this one roll on it’s zany way. Sometimes we just need a laugh. BTW, on that note, have any of you seen Achmed, the dead terrorist.

  122. Larry Huldén size=
    Posted Jun 20, 2008 at 2:02 PM | Permalink

    May be Dr Tom Chalko is in fact right in his interpretation of earthquakes and global temperature trends. The extended curve of earthquakes backwards to 1900 seems to fit the temperature curves we are approaching when correcting the basic data as Anthony Watts has done.

  123. Andrey Levin
    Posted Jun 21, 2008 at 4:28 AM | Permalink

    JohnB (another one):

    Well, yes, I agree, but can you compare melting of 3 kilometers thick of continental ice with minuscule couple of cubokilometrs oscillations of glaciers? In seriously earthquake-prone zone of active continental plates movement? With 10 meters of seasonal snow precipitation?

    Concept could be right, but actual numbers of glacier’s mass fluctuations have an influence of mosquito bite in elephant ass.

  124. paul
    Posted Jul 30, 2008 at 10:44 AM | Permalink

    Paul O. says

    Global warming is apparent but is it man made? When an earthquake occurs the energy is disapated into the earth and the oceans. Where does the heat go from there? Into the atmosphere. More seizmic activity equates to more heat in the atmosphere. Where does seizmic instability originate from? Gravitational force of the sun and moon and from the impact of astroids, comets etc.

  125. Barry Day
    Posted Sep 11, 2009 at 8:27 AM | Permalink

    Reguarding:Earthquakes and global warming
    by ryanm on June 18th, 2008

    I think there is a connection but they just have it ass backwards just like temp and Co2.

    The Sun electro-magnetic interaction causes pole wobble that causes the sisemic crust plate disturbances which trigger undersea volcanic and vent hat transfer to the Ocean that then melts ice from under as well as the surrounding atmosphere.It all fits well with the below well.

    Mystery Solved POST AT

    I feel Climate change in the Arctic has nought to do with AGW as warming and melting ice from a sun warmed atmosphere is impossible but IS POISSIBLE and FAR more likely from a warmed Ocean and the wind’s off the top of them and melting from UNDER the Sea ice.”

    Is it just coincidence that there were two episodes of irregular Magnetic North Pole deviations in BOTH time-frames as there were periods of extreme heat waves and unusual ice-cap melting,of which seem to be ignored and not put into the equasion to explain the mystery that some say surround’s Arctic melting?

    The astonishment is enhanced by the fact that some researches have no problem to acknowledge that the warming since the 1920s:

    •was greater in magnitude and more rapid, than the recent one;
    •displays exceptional rapid winter warming;
    •the seasonal differences are striking;
    •has no summer signal at all;
    •is one of the most spectacular climate events;
    •is one of the most puzzling climatic anomalies, but do not rest until finding an answer to each
    of the raised points.

    “Average Arctic temperatures increased at almost twice the global average rate in the past 100 years.
    Arctic temperatures have high decadal variability and a warm period was also observed from 1925 to 1945” (IPCC, 2007).
    With such statement the IPCC demonstrates how superficially one of the most striking climatic shifts of the 20th century is handled.
    Due to the fact that the sun is not and cannot be the direct source of the extraordinary warming during the Arctic winter, this leads inevitable to the prime source of heat supply, the
    ocean and the seas.

    I think there’s not much mystery about it really,It’s the Massive 3 MILLION? Under-sea thermal and volcanic activity under the Arctic AND the warm currents also from the ring of fire that enter the Arctic which would ALL originate from an unballanced world causing above normal sizemic activity and thus extra heat entering the Ocean,It solves the
    “one of the most puzzling climatic anomalies”
    As someone else posted there,I have the sam issue:
    The issue I have with “arctic warming”, is the warming happens in the middle of winter when its far to cold for ice to melt, there is little trend in summer when ice does melt. Averaging the two creates a warming trend which is misleading as the trend is unrelated to the ice melt season.

    Anyone agree?

  126. Lothahnus
    Posted Feb 12, 2010 at 1:51 PM | Permalink

    Anyone who thinks earthquakes are related to global warming is an idoit.

    Earthquakes are cause by tacttonic plact rubbing against each other and slamming into one another. DUH…

    If temperature really effected whether or not we had earthquakes then everytime it went from winter to summer we would be devistated by quakes. USE YOU BRAINS PEOPLE.

    Steve: We thought so as well. That’s why criticized CBS for publishing this story. Address your complaint to them.

4 Trackbacks

  1. By The Global Warming Drinking Game | Atmoz on Jun 19, 2008 at 8:30 AM

    […] first drink today comes courtesy of Ross McKitrick. Many […]

  2. […] result is Ryan M commented on this story at Climate Audit, marveling that it was picked up by wire services. The […]

  3. By Plains Feeder on Jun 19, 2008 at 2:42 PM

    Everything bad is caused by Global Warming….

    According to the AP and published by CBS, earthquakes are five times worse than they were 20 years ago because of Global Warming….

  4. […] to Climate Audit, its commentators, and Lubos Moti, for the graphs and images. They all link back to […]