Tag Archives: Proxies

The Trouet Ocean Proxies

Here are the ocean proxies used in Trouet et al. As usual in Team studies, it is a total mystery how they are selected. Trouet et al is a bit different from usual Team studies in that it argues for a MWP-LIA global reorganization, something that I’ll get to soon. Today, I want to chat […]

Will the Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up? Re-Mix.

There’s an amusing little incident with the deleted “original” data set that was posted up for a few minutes at Mann’s website – you know, the data set that was first demonstrably referenced by a CA reader in the early morning of Sep 5. (I’ll reserve comment for now on issues relating to the timestamp […]

Mann et al 2008 Proxies

Here are 5 graphics which show all the Mann 2008 proxies in a consistent format, highlighting two periods 950-1100 and 1850-1980. My software only permits 300 gif images per gif-movie, so 5 parts. The graphics show nicely how few series actually have low-freq variability and how few series are really contributing to any HS-ness. The […]