Brazil GHCN Station Population

Bernie has collated the population of the Brazil GHCN stations (used in GISS) located here. OF 20 GHCN/GISS “rural” stations, only 3 currently have populations under 5,000 and some are now cities. Of 7 GHCN/GISS “small” towns, 6 are currently cities.


  1. Curtis
    Posted Aug 25, 2007 at 3:12 PM | Permalink

    So the urban heating effect maybe causing a substantial upward basis in the climate studies?

  2. Posted Aug 25, 2007 at 5:18 PM | Permalink

    The UHI deal has frustrated me for a while. I have been trying to find an animation of land surface temperatures after night fall which should be cool as heck to watch and a better way of defining rural areas in my opinion. I haven’t found it yet, but I know a lot of third world cities don’t have a great street light budget.

  3. Terry
    Posted Aug 25, 2007 at 7:07 PM | Permalink

    Its beyond my ability to do so but couldn’t someone use google earth and image analysis tools to automatically determine the amount of urbanization at any given site?

    It might make a good student project.

  4. bernie
    Posted Aug 25, 2007 at 8:09 PM | Permalink

    Most population density maps I am aware of do not have the level of granularity that would distinguih truly rural sites. In addition, I think micro-site effects are even more problematic in rural sites and these also need to be tracked. This Brazil data, IMO, points out that (a) the growth of these towns and cities could be a legitimate source of an increasing temp. trend and, therefore, needs to be excluded before major pronouncements on AGW and (b) the failure to quality control the data extends to areas that are trivial to maintain which bodes ill for those aspects of he data that need more comlex modes of maintenance. The Brazil data simplreinforces the main significance of the recent discontinuity Steve identified.

  5. Jim Edwards
    Posted Aug 25, 2007 at 9:37 PM | Permalink

    There was a period before 9-11-2001 when the US gov’t was selling satellite recon photos for personal interest and archaelogical or other purposes. I remember seeing photos in National Geographic that were outside the visual spectrum. I wonder if the US gov’t would still sell relatively recent low-res IR satellite photos of sites outside the US and Iraq.

  6. Curtis
    Posted Aug 26, 2007 at 12:18 PM | Permalink

    There was a period before 9-11-2001 when the US gov’t was selling satellite recon photos for personal interest and archaeological or other purposes. I remember seeing photos in National Geographic that were outside the visual spectrum. I wonder if the US gov’t would still sell relatively recent low-res IR satellite photos of sites outside the US and Iraq.

    You dont need a spy satellite to see images of the earth. NASA has Landsat and SEAsat, the ESA has Earthnet. The Russians, Chinese and Canadians also have remote sensor satellites for resource management and weather prediction. There are many sources of satellite images.

    I doubt very much that the US government would ever sell images from its network of spy satellites, as it wishes to keep the capabilities of these satellites secret, they will sequester those images as long as the satellite that produced them is in service.

  7. Douglas Hoyt
    Posted Aug 27, 2007 at 1:21 PM | Permalink

    In 1997, I got the monthly mean temperature data that CRU uses in its temperature reconstruction. The stations for Brazil are listed below. 19611980, for example, means the data starts in 1961 and ends in 1980. There may be missing months or years between the start and end dates.

    820240 28 607 74BOA VISTA BRAZIL 19611980 101961
    820300 21 509 -999AMAPA APT BRAZIL 19671974 101967
    821060 -1 671 87S.GAB. DO CACHOEIRA BRAZIL 19311996 101931
    821910 -15 485 24BELEM BRAZIL 19611996 101961
    821980 -17 454 6TURIACU BRAZIL 19111963 101911
    822430 -25 543 21SANTAREM/TAPERINHA BRAZIL 19141980 101914
    822800 -25 443 -999SAO LUIZ BRAZIL 19741980 101974
    823310 -31 600 60MANAUS BRAZIL 19311996 101931
    823970 -37 385 20FORTA LEZA BRAZIL 19611980 101961
    824000 -38 324 101FERNANDO DE NORONHA BRAZIL 19411974 101941
    824100 -44 700 80BENJAMIN CONSTANT BRAZIL 19611991 101961
    824250 -41 631 46COARI BRAZIL 19611996 101961
    825710 -55 453 82BARRA DO CORDA BRAZIL 19611996 101961
    825860 -53 393 199QUIXERAMOBIM BRAZIL 18961996 101896
    825960 -57 354 64CEARA MIRIM BRAZIL 19691980 101969
    825990 -59 353 8NATAL BRAZIL 19611979 101961
    826680 -66 520 -999FELIX DO XIANGU BRAZIL 19751980 101975
    826780 -68 430 -999FLORIAND BRAZIL 19731980 101973
    827040 -76 727 170CRUSEIRO DO SUL BRAZIL 19611980 101961
    827410 -74 575 140ALTO TAPAJOS BRAZIL 19611977 101961
    827650 -73 475 -999CAROLINA BRAZIL 19741980 101974
    828250 -88 639 106PORTO VELHO BRAZIL 19611996 101961
    828610 -83 493 157CONCEICAO ARAGUAIA BRAZIL 19611996 101961
    829000 -83 350 57RECIFE BRAZIL 19411980 101941
    829130 -91 687 135SENA MADUREIRA BRAZIL 19311972 101931
    829150-100 678 -999RIO BRANCA BRAZIL 19751980 101975
    829300 -91 687 -999CACHIMBO BRAZIL 19691974 101969
    829790 -97 421 411REMANSO BRAZIL 19611978 101961
    829830 -94 405 -999PETROLINA BRAZIL 19731980 101973
    830640-107 484 244PORTO NACIONAL BRAZIL 19611996 101961
    830960-109 371 7ARACAJU BRAZIL 19611996 101961
    832290-130 385 6SALVADOR BRAZIL 19121996 101912
    832880-133 434 -999BOMJESUS DA LAPA BRAZIL 19731980 101973
    833390-141 426 878CAETITE BRAZIL 19311979 101931
    833610-156 561 165CUIABA BRAZIL 19011996 101901
    833670-157 528 -999SANTA CRUZ BRAZIL 19611966 101961
    833770-158 479 1158BRASILIA BRAZIL 19631996 101963
    833790-155 473 906FORMOSA BRAZIL 19611974 101961
    834230-167 493 729GOIANIA BRAZIL 19611996 101961
    834370-167 439 -999MONTES CLAROS BRAZIL 19751980 101975
    834980-177 393 4CARAVELAS BRAZIL 19611996 101961
    835520-190 577 145CORUMBA BRAZIL 19311980 101931
    835790-196 470 -999ARAXA BRAZIL 19711980 101971
    835870-199 439 850BELO HORIZONTE BRAZIL 19611996 101961
    836110-201 546 656CAMPO GRANDE BRAZIL 19681980 101968
    836120-205 547 567CAMPO GRANDE/AP BRAZIL 19691980 101969
    836180-208 517 314TRES LAGOAS BRAZIL 19611996 101961
    836500-205 293 21TRINIDADE/ILHA BRAZIL 19671980 101967
    836920-218 433 683JUIZ DE FORA BRAZIL 19411980 101941
    837020-225 557 650PONTA PORA BRAZIL 19611996 101961
    837220-223 491 -999BAURU BRAZIL 19751980 101975
    837430-229 432 26RIO DE JANEIRO BRAZIL 18321996 101832
    837660-234 512 566LONDRINA BRAZIL 19611996 101961
    837800-235 466 -999SAO PAULO BRAZIL 19611970 101961
    837810-236 469 795SAO PAULO BRAZIL 18871980 101887
    838210-247 475 4IGUAPE BRAZIL 18951980 101895
    838260-255 546 226FOZ DO IGUACU BRAZIL 19651980 101965
    838420-254 493 949CURITIBA BRAZIL 18851996 101885
    838747-269 491 29BLUMENAU BRAZIL 18901907 101890
    838960-271 490 24BRUSQUE BRAZIL 19411960 101941
    838970-276 486 -999FLORIANOPOLIS BRAZIL 19611970 101961
    839310-298 558 103ALEGRETE BRAZIL 19611980 101961
    839670-300 512 10PORTO ALEGRE BRAZIL 19611996 101961
    839970-335 534 6SANTA VITORIA BRAZIL 19611996 101961

  8. Douglas Hoyt
    Posted Aug 27, 2007 at 1:25 PM | Permalink

    And the number just before the name is the height in meters above sea level. -999 indicates missing data. Sorry about the poor formating.