Category Archives: MBH98

Articles relating to the Mann, Bradley and Hughes 1998 reconstruction of past climate

Rule N revisited

PCA was also performed on certain proxy sub-networks (spatially dense regional networks of tree-ring data available separately in different continents) as means of dimensional reduction of the predictor network. In this case, the procedure was performed separately for each independent step of the stepwise calibration/reconstruction procedure described in “3” below. A decreasing number of PCs […]

Mann Misrepresents the EPA – Part 1

In today’s post, I will return to my series on false claims in Mann’s lawsuit about supposed “exonerations”. ( For previous articles, see here). One of the most important misconduct allegations against Mann – the “amputation” of the Briffa reconstruction in IPCC TAR – was discussed recently by Judy Curry, who, in turn, covered Congressional testimony […]

The Hockey Stick and the Milankovitch Theory

The 20th century warming counters a millennial-scale cooling trend which is consistent with long-term astronomical forcing. MBH99 According to the UMass researchers, the 1,000-year reconstruction reveals that temperatures dropped an average of 0.02 degrees Celsius per century prior to the 20th century. This trend is consistent with the “astronomical theory” of climate change, which considers […]

The First Inquiry to Report

The Penn State Collegian archive once again is first on a story, breaking the news that the Penn State Inquiry has finished its inquiry and that results will be available later this week. They report: Penn State President Graham Spanier addressed the inquiry and the panel’s work during the Board of Trustees meeting on Jan. […]

Back to 2003

Today I spent some time re-visiting 2003 in light of the Climategate Letters. I was intrigued by the very first allusion to Mc and Mc in the Climategage Letters in a trailer to an Oct 26, 2003 letter (the day before MM2003 was released) here . A climate scientist (not identified in the trailer), stated […]

Calibrating “Dr. Thompson’s Thermometer”

One of the most persuasive images in the global warming debate is a graph that Al Gore describes in his An Inconvenient Truth as “Dr. Thompson’s thermometer.” According to Gore, this graph is based on oxygen isotope ratios from ice cores collected by Lonnie Thompson and his colleagues, and provides “the most definitive” independent confirmation […]

Mike’s Nature trick

So far one of the most circulated e-mails from the CRU hack is the following from Phil Jones to the original hockey stick authors – Michael Mann, Raymond Bradley, and Malcolm Hughes.

The MBH98 Corrigendum

The SI for MBH98 listed 34 tree ring series that were not actually used. This was acknowledged in their 2004 Corrigendum which provided the following implausible excuse: These series, all of which come from the International Tree Ring Data Bank (ITRDB), met all the tests used for screening of the ITRDB data used in ref. […]

Mann's PC1 in Esper and Frank 2008

On previous occasions, we’ve noticed some strange appearances of the Mann hockey stick under different disguises. In Inconvenient Truth, a splice of Mann’s hockey stick and CRU instrumental data is described as “Dr Thompson’s thermometer”. Today, I noticed another peculiar incident, where Esper and Frank (Clim Chg 2008), who one would think would know better, […]

Ian Jolliffe Comments at Tamino

Ian Jolliffe, a noted principal components authority, has posted a comment at Tamino’s, which repudiates Tamino’s (and Mann’s) citation of Jolliffe as a supposed authority for Mannian PCA. He wrote to me separately, notifying me of the posting and authorizing me to cross-post his comment and stating that we had correctly understood and described his […]